


Dealer’s choice ‘outranks Leverhulme treasure’

31 August 2001

UK: DEVON dealer in early furniture and works of art Michael Dann of Hatherleigh Antiques holds another of his splendid exhibitions of very special pieces from September 12 to October 13.

Rich pickings at the table

28 August 2001

UK: CUTTING EDGE is the title of a major cutlery exhibition opening at Fairfax House in Castlegate, York, on September 1. The display, which will remain on show until December 30, before moving to the Millennium Galleries in Sheffield and then, in March next year, the Geffrye Museum in London, covers “5000 years of man and knife”.

Minimalism? The Chinese did it first

23 April 2001

Exhibitions of desirable items from exotic locations at affordable prices has become the hallmark of the Gordon Reece Gallery, 16 Clifford Street, London W1 and this applies to the current exhibition of Antique Chinese Classical Furniture which continues until May 12.

When the sun never set

26 March 2001

TO commemorate the centenary of Queen Victoria’s death the V&A’s major spring exhibition is Inventing New Britain: The Victorian Vision, from April 5 to July 29. Co-curated by Paul Atterbury, the exhibition takes as its themes how a modern Britain emerged during the Queen’s all-powerful reign, and the way in which the Victorians have shaped our lives. Three books have been published by V&A Publications to accompany the exhibition.

Miniature masterpieces re-united

12 April 1999

UK: A MAJOR loan exhibition of Dutch and Flemish cabinet pictures opens at Richard Green’s gallery at 33 New Bond Street, London W1 this week.