



Wembley ticket at Folkestone auction holds special memory for specialist

03 September 2012

Jonathan Riley has a particular interest in a Wembley ticket from the 1953 match which shocked the world – he was sitting in the crowd mesmerised as the ‘Magical Magyars’ tore England apart 6-3.


That’s the ticket – fares rise to £3200

05 December 2011

DOMINIC Winter, who included the Alfred A. Charleswoth collection of old railway tickets as part of their recent collectors' and transport sale, had only a limited track record on which to rely – they sold a rare ticket for around £2000 some seven years ago.


Taking a pricey ticket to obscurity

15 December 2004

Attracting some welcome national publicity for Swindon book specialists Dominic Winter (15% buyer’s premium) on November 11, was the remarkable performance of a group of early railway tickets consigned for sale by the widow of a Gloucestershire collector.