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At Auction Technology Group our services ensure that millions of items are resold for re-use or repurpose each year, extending their value within the economy and preventing waste.

However, as for any business, there are environmental impacts to our operations that we are committed to minimising.

We completed our first annual greenhouse emissions review in 2021, accounting for emissions from Scope 1, Scope 2, and measurable emissions from Scope 3.

This is a vital first step to allow us to identify our largest emission sources and where we need to focus future efforts.

Our review found that Auction Technology Group emitted 2,187 tonnes of CO2 in our 2021 financial year.

The breakdown based on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol is as follows:

Scope 1 - direct emissions from owned or controlled sources: 1%

Scope 2 - indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy: 12%

Scope 3 - all indirect emissions (some we can influence), such as use of websites, commuting, purchased goods and services: 87%

Our next steps are to:

■ Target our largest emission sources and set out reduction strategies

■ Fully understand our climate related risks in order to disclose these under the Taskforce for Climate Related Financial Disclosures guidelines

■ Review how to achieve net zero emissions, looking to offset our avoidable emissions, while continuing to work to reduce them