A busy crowd at Grandma’s Attic Fairs’ launch of its antiques and vintage fair at the Woking Leisure Centre earlier this month.

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It’s always a good sign when queues start forming ahead of a fair’s opening – especially if it is members of the trade.

Chris Brown is co-organiser with Geoff Fagan of Grandma’s Attic Fairs. It launched its first antiques and vintage fair at the Woking Leisure Centre on Sunday, February 6.

Brown said: “There were high expectations for this fair and it certainly lived up to the hype with an impressive trade queue more than 30 minutes beforehand.

“When the fair opened there was a steady stream of hungry buyers throughout the day with the final door total not far short of 1000.”

Brown added: “Many of the dealers recorded great sales with a couple of notables including a large and beautiful Gallé vase at £5200 and the Art Deco Chorus Line poster from Artdecoart which featured in ATG recently [ATG No 2527, priced at £395].”


Dave Hornik Unger (Deco Dave) sold this rare André Petitot table lamp at Grandma’s Attic Fairs’ launch of its antiques and vintage fair at the Woking Leisure Centre.

To pull in 150-plus dealers and a busy crowd at an inaugural fair is a strong indication of future popularity and the organisers have swiftly come up with a second date at the Woking Leisure Centre of Sunday, April 3, for which they report strong bookings already in place.