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1 How did you get your start?

Initially I used my father’s car to run art and antiques until I blew it up. He bought the world’s smallest car after that; I got the hint and got my first shop on the Lillie Road around 16 years ago.

2 What events do you have coming up?

We have an exceptional exhibition of Contemporary collage by Nicky Knowles RWA with works from 2016 to the present day. Surface Tensions will run from Valentine’s Day to March 14.


A collage by Nicky Knowles on offer from Henry Saywell.

3 What is one great discovery you have made?

An impressive Denis Mitchell Sculpture, currently in the gallery. Having been overshadowed by Barbara Hepworth, for whom Mitchell worked for over 10 years, his work is beginning to get the recognition it deserves.

4 Who do you admire in the trade?

I admire everyone in the trade at the moment. With a constant barrage of new legislation and costs, things could be deemed harder than ever, making it even more rewarding. As someone once said to me: “It’s better than a real job.”

5 What is one item you couldn’t do without?

My cafetiere. Without that, nothing would get done.

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