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As reported in ATG, earlier this year the Westway Trust unveiled plans to remodel and rebrand the area Portobello Village. Part of this involved removing the existing canopy where vintage stalls operate three days a week and replacing it with a three-storey 'market building' with the traders operating on the ground floor.

This has now been scrapped.

The trust has announced that after a six-month consultation "the proposals for a building over the market area were not well supported and so we won't be bringing them forward".

Westway Trust's original suggestions for the revamp met claims that they would change the area's character and drive away the independent small traders who are the lifeblood of the vintage scene. An online petition to protest was launched.

The Trust will continue in its overall plans to improve an area it says is underused outside market days and the location for anti-social behaviour. It is now revising the designs in response to the consultation and will then ask for fresh feedback later this year before agreeing a final set of proposals.

"Improvements are Needed"

A spokesman for the trust said: "Our initial proposals sought to enhance the area at the junction of Portobello Road and the Westway, including Portobello Green, Portobello Green Arcade, Acklam Village, and Acklam Road Car Park, for the benefit of the community and local traders. 

"It is generally recognised that improvements are needed if the area is to trade successfully into the future.

"In our recent survey of local shopkeepers and market traders over half of the 100 respondents reported a decrease in the amount of trade compared to last year and 60% said that the general environment needs improving.

"Our aim is to strengthen the market offer by providing more jobs and trading opportunities; give more reasons to visit the area; provide new storage and other facilities for market traders; create more welcoming and safer spaces; and seek to develop better spaces for arts, cultural and community events."

• For a detailed report of the findings see