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The Intellectual Property Office has launched a consultation exercise on how the Artist's Resale Right is working in the UK.

Individuals, companies and trade organisations have until July 4 to answer the official Call for Evidence which will allow the IPO to better assess the levy's impact since its initial introduction in the UK in 2006 and extension in 2012.

They will publish their findings in September and say they are interested in evidence relating to:

* the scale and cost of administering the Right and the impact this has on art businesses, and

* the numbers of artists who are benefitting from the Right, particularly at the lower threshold.

Submissions will contribute to a periodic review at European Union level, which is likely to take place in 2015.

British Art Market Federation chairman Anthony Browne, who has led the fine art industry's opposition to ARR over the past 15 years, told ATG: "We very much welcome the IPO's initiative. Only when they examine the facts can there be an informed and dispassionate debate on the Resale Right."

Evidence can be submitted online via a questionnaire published on the IPO website at

The Call for Evidence is currently listed under the IPO's Latest News section to the right of the home page.

The IPO will also be seeking information from the Artists' Collecting Society and Design and Artists Copyright Society (DACS), who collect the levy on behalf of artists.