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Piasa are taking over the space of the Galerie Didier Aaron, who have already announced their move this spring to a new location at 152 boulevard Haussmann. Didier Aaron also have galleries in New York and London. Their new Paris gallery was formerly the home of the Galerie Fabius, whose contents were dispersed by Sotheby's and Piasa in 2011 following the death of François Fabius in 2006.

With 1000 square metres of space, Piasa's new headquarters will allow them to unite their saleroom, departments, viewing facilities and offices all under the same roof, including the Piasa Rive Gauche sales from their rue du Bac premises launched last year.

"We are thrilled by our new venue and very excited at the opportunities it opens up," said Alain Cadou, Piasa's chairman and chief executive. Deputy chairman Frédéric Chambre said: "It will provide our clients with a stunning showcase for our most important auctions from now on."

Piasa will start operating in the new premises from the end of April, with the first auction to be held in June, while the last sale in Piasa's Rive Gauche rooms will be the Italian design auction on April 15. The firm will continue to hold several sales a year at the Drouot auction collective.