13-06-17-2096NE05A Mercedes-Benz fangio.jpg

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Juan Manuel Fangio, the Argentine driver who dominated the 1950s world of Formula One, winning the World Drivers' Championship in 1951 and from 1954-1957 inclusive, drove this 2½-litre Mercedes-Benz W196 to victory in the German and Swiss Grand Prix of 1954.

The car is the same model raced by Stirling Moss when he won his first British Grand Prix in 1955 - his first ever Formula One Grand Prix victory.

Sir Stirling, who met up with current F1 ace Lewis Hamilton to compare cars - the W196 to Hamilton's Silver Arrow, in which he will compete for this year's British Grand Prix title - said: "Winning the British Grand Prix meant a lot to me. I won in a Mercedes-Benz W196 in 1955, just before the very last corner. It really was a very special day.

"I remember it quite well; I'd caught up with Fangio and overtaken him in traffic. As we went round the last corner I put my foot flat on the floor and took the chequered flag. I finished literally half a car length in front."

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