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The alert generated a call from a SaferGems susbcriber who said they had seen previous alerts concerning the men concerning similar thefts around the country. Apparently they were wanted in the Thames Valley, North Yorkshire, Tayside, Kent, Staffordshire and South Wales police areas.

SaferGems forwarded all the relevant details to Humberside Police who confirmed the incidents seemed to be linked.

Soon after a similar offence occurred in the Lothian and Borders Police area, which led to the arrest of a 33-year-old man and a 17-year-old boy. They were both charged for the offence and appeared at Peebles Sheriff's Magistrates Court, where they were released on bail and told to report to police each Wednesday in the West Midlands.

Details of the case were passed to SaferGems who shared this update with Humberside Police and enquiries were completed which led to the pair being arrested once more when they answered bail.

Further enquiries with SaferGems resulted in paperwork for further offences in South Wales and Nottinghamshire being passed to Humberside Police. The pair were again charged with new offences, to some of which they have since pleaded guilty.

Detective Sergeant John Fuller from Humberside Police said: "The information and assistance given by SaferGems was invaluable and contributed to not only the identification of the men for their involvement with the Hull theft but also other linked offences. Ultimately, without the support of SaferGems it would have taken a great deal of time to identify these men and bring them to justice."