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The Bedford Road building, built in the 19th century on the banks of the Wey Navigation canal, was originally a ginger beer factory and later a tool works, but operated as the Clarke Gammon auction house from 1976 to 2004.

The saleroom, empty for almost a decade, was in a very poor state, but after months of refurbishment that have allowed for the use of modern technology, Wellers will reopen the building in time for a sale of antiques, fine art and jewellery on June 23-24.

Gordon Patrick, one of Surrey's most experienced valuers, who was saleroom manager at the Riverside Saleroom for 15 years until it closed in 2004, will head up the new operation.

Guildford has been without a saleroom since 2009, when the antiques auction business of long-established Guildford estate agents Clarke Gammon Wellers (no relation) was acquired by Ewbank Auctioneers, whose salerooms are located north of the town at a warehouse in Send Marsh close to the A3.

The Wellers group previously operated from Guildford until their salerooms were sold for development in 2001. At the time they had been unable to find a alternative site.

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By Roland Arkell