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Despite immediate fears that this could have been part of a well-organised theft, it turned out to be nothing more than electrical fault that was quickly rectified after ten minutes.

After this inauspicious start to proceedings, things began to pick up. Within a few hours many of the 263 dealers were experiencing better business than perhaps could have been expected.

As ATG went to press on the second day of the fair, there were a good number of unconfirmed major sales.

However, within the first hour, Bernheimer/Colnaghi had definitely sold a Franz Janneck painting to a European collector for 395,000 euros and they went on make further sales at 700,000 euros and 550,000 euros to European collectors.

Dutch oriental art dealers Vanderven & Vanderven had sales across the board on the opening day and sold their three major pieces to a German collector.