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They say that the mix of new roles, promotions and appointments at senior level is intended to align their organisational structure with their global objectives.

The most senior change is the appointment of Lisa King to a new and greatly expanded role as chief operating officer and group managing director of Christie’s International.

She joined Christie’s in 1996 and was formerly international managing director for auctions and private sales. She now assumes responsibility for delivery of the company’s international business plan.

This involves overseeing at group level not just sales but also strategy, marketing, business development, human resources, operations, IT, finance and legal and the group’s diversified businesses, from estates and storage to insurance and education.

She will continue to be based in London. Her former role will be filled by Andrew Foster who was formerly president of Christie’s Asia.

Expansion in Asia, a market of growing importance and Christie’s third largest sales centre, has also led to major changes. François Curiel, chairman of Christie’s Europe, moves from Paris to become president of Christie’s Asia.

Retaining his role as international director of jewellery, Curiel who has 40 years of experience with Christie’s, is charged with strengthening the company’s Asian business and turning the attention of the global art and jewellery world to Asia.

He heads a management team of Ken Yeh (promoted from deputy chairman to chairman), Theow Tow (based in New York and appointed honorary chairman) and Jonathan Stone (promoted to managing director).

In France, François de Ricqlès has been appointed president, with Guillaume Guedé as director general and regional managing director and Jonathan Rendell as deputy chairman.

In New York Marc Porter is now chairman of Christie’s Americas. Former chairman Stephen Lash is now chairman emeritus and Christopher Burge honorary chairman.

By Anne Crane