The 15in (38cm) bronze Janus head attributed to the circle of Francesco Primaticcio which set a new high for a 16th century French bronze., selling to Paris dealers Galerie J Kugel for €2.05m (£1.8m).

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Sale total
€373.9m (£332.8m/$483.8)
The highest total for any single-owner collection, beating the $207m Ganz collection of Impressionist and Modern paintings and prints sold by Christie's NY in 1997

The highest total for any sale in Europe
689 lots offered
658 lots sold (95.5%)

Highest ever total for a decorative arts collection
€59.1m (£52.64m)

Highest ever total for a silver sale
€19.88m (£17.69m)

Longest sale session
Six hours to sell 278 lots of Sculpture and Works of Art
on February 25

Buyer breakdown by lot
76% Europe
15% Americas
4% Asia
5% Middle East

Top price
€35.9m (£31.9m) for Henri Matisse's Les Coucous, an auction record for the artist

Artists records
Ten highest prices at the sale include five artists' records at auction - Matisse (€35.9), Brancusi (€29.2), Mondrian (€21.6), de Chirico (€11), Géricault (€9)

Auction record for any piece of 20th century Decorative Art and Design
€21.9m (£19.45m) for Eileen Gray's Dragons Chair

Auction record for any 16th century French bronze
€2.05m (£1.8m) for Janus head attributed to the circle of Francesco Primaticcio.

61 lots realised over €1m

30,000 visitors queued for up to four hours to view the auction

Up to 1500 attended the four-sale session

Eight different auctioneers conducted sale

100 telephone lines to handle phone bidding

Note: All prices are inclusive of the buyer's premium