The selection of medals relating to Charlie Wilson’s Huddersfield Town career included his Division One winner’s medal from 1923-24. Overall the collection raised £16,500 at Cuttlestones’ sale in Staffordshire.

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And memories of the club's famous side that won the championship three times in a row were evoked when the medal collection of one the players from that team, Charlie Wilson, surfaced at Cuttlestones' (15% buyer's premium) sale in Penkridge, Staffordshire on May 29.

Consigned by a descendant of the prolific striker, they were split up into five lots and, after drawing interest in the room, on the phone and on the internet, they made a total of £16,500 against a combined estimate of £6000-10,000.

Items relating to each of his three clubs - Huddersfield, Stoke and Tottenham - were lotted together and it was those from his Huddersfield playing days that proved the most sought after. These included two Division One winner's medals from the 1923-24 season and the 1924-25 season, and an FA Senior Cup winner's medal from the latter season.

The lot sold at £8800 to a private buyer who is a Huddersfield fan.

The items from his career at Stoke City included his 1926-1927 Division Three (Northern) winner's medal and sold to a local private buyer at £4400, while the Tottenham lots included his 1919-1920 Division Two winner's medal and sold at £3700 to a Spurs fan who intends to loan the medals to the club.

Offered separately was Charlie Wilson's Staffordshire Football Association cap that made £820, while his First World War army medals, which included two hallmarked silver 'bombing' medals, were offered together and sold for £680.

By Alex Capon

This week's ATG printed newspaper (issue 1896) includes a special feature on sporting memorabilia. To subscribe, click here.