A detail of a gold watch chain similar to that taken from Eton. The missing chain has four suspended shields.

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The distinctive gold watch chain is around 6in (15cm) long, and hung with four gold Eton sports winner's shields, with the Eton fleur de lys on one side. On the other, in one case, is the legend A.M.Grenfell, Winner, Steeplechase, 1892, while another carries the same name and date with Winner, Walking Race, 1892.

The other items hanging from the chain were a heart-shaped locket with hair inside, and a pendant with an initial P.

Also stolen was a silver-gilt Eton prize medal for the Strafford Shakespeare prize from 1963. Any information should be forwarded to Nanette McFall at Eton on 01753 671234 or Rianne Giles of Maidenhead police on 01628 645829, quoting crime reference number LA3334416/09.