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Mr Sandon, who is spearheading the campaign with website, has written to ATG to argue that, while the art and antiques industry contributes trade worth billions to the nation’s economy, it has missed out on government assistance handed out to other sectors.

“The antiques industry creates jobs in the UK tourist industry, shipping, transport and conservation sectors,” he writes. “At a local level, antique shops provide an important draw to country cities and towns, helping other local shops and businesses.”

And he further points out the merits of the industry for the environment: “On an ecological level, the antiques industry is important as it values the re-use of old and beautiful things, so reducing landfill and the rapid over-production and consumption of new goods from abroad.”

With all this in mind, Mr Sandon – who has made it clear that this is a personal crusade not linked to his work as an expert on The Antiques Roadshow – is calling on the Government to help promote the industry abroad.

“With the sterling at its lowest for some considerable time, UK products are once again attractive to overseas buyers. With some marketing support from the government, we could be using this opportunity to reach the world market for antiques,” he concludes.

He and fellow campaigner Iain Brunt are also keen for Whitehall to develop a better grasp of the art and antiques industry’s role in the UK economy.

“We would like the Government to understand that this industry is not a negligible part of English heritage, but an international market leader and a viable business sector that provides employment and generates important revenue for the country in London and in the regions.”

The letter appears in full in this week’s ATG printed newspaper. To subscribe, click here.

Visit to sign up to their petition.

By Ivan Macquisten
