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The association is at pains to point out that this most definitely is not a new association but a new arm of the long-established LAPADA.

LAPADA Modern is being founded to reflect the growing market importance and number of dealers involved in contemporary and modern art and 20th century design, the latter being one of the fastest growing areas of the trade. It is designed to give these dealers, who often work within a different framework from the mainstream core of the association, a service more relevant to their needs.

For example, a bespoke promotional service will recognise the differing needs of the modern and design-orientated specialists and the differing tastes of their clients.

However, there are bound to be initial confusions with the new branding. The obvious one in the British trade is that many LAPADA members stock a mix of both traditional antiques and 20th century design.

Unlike the US and some Continental countries, there are not that many UK dealers whose sole speciality is later 20th century works.

LAPADA chief executive Sarah Percy-Davies is fully aware of the dilemma. She told ATG that there would be some fine tuning to the idea and further consultations with committees representing different disciplines within the trade.

Broadly, LAPADA Modern is for those whose stock is post-1940.

By David Moss