The Antiques are Green logo. All ATG readers are urged to to display the symbol wherever appropriate to raise public awareness of the impeccably green credentials of objects that have been handed down from generation to generation.

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Free self-adhesive Antiques are Green logos designed for windows, doors and cabinets were given out with ATG's printed newspaper (issue no. 1910). These have been jointly sponsored by Antiques are Green Ltd, a not-for-profit company, and ATG.

We hope that readers will display them wherever they can within the antiques environment. This will help promote the green credentials of antiques which are equally valid at all levels of the business.

These logos are backed by a new green website, www.antiquesaregreen.org, which has just gone live to the trade and is due to be promoted to the public at the end of November, to coincide with the November 23-30 antiques week, which is being promoted by BBC Homes and Antiques magazine and Antiques News.

Having spearheaded the campaign almost singlehandedly so far, Nigel Worboys is very clear on the support he now needs from the rest of us:

"During the next six weeks we need to add as much content to the website as possible. If you are involved in the trade in any way, or have a green product to sell we want to hear from you.

"If you would like to be a part of the campaign, which will rely heavily on the support of the trade, here are some suggestions of how you can help:

• Display these logos in a prominent place in your shop, auction room, centre or cabinet if you attend fairs.

• Log on to the website and become a part of Antiques are Green. Make a public statement about antiques being green and add a comment about the campaign.

• Please let us know if you are, or know, a celebrity, either within the trade or maybe from a homes or interiors TV programme, who might like to support the campaign. All we would need is a line about why you think antiques are green.

• If you cannot use the logos, please do not throw them away but drop them off at your next visit to a local auction room, centre or fair, where they can be used or redistributed."

The logos are made from a non-PVC product to environmental standard ISO 14001. The backing can be recycled.

To maintain a common standard a few conditions have been attached to the free licensed use of the logo:

• It can only be used in conjunction with the promotion of objects that are antique or of a true secondhand nature and are not modern reproductions.

• It is not to be used as a representation of the quality, value or origin of an item.

• It is only to be displayed in association with antiques or to promote antiques.

• It must not be changed or altered without prior consent.

The conditions may vary from time to time and full details are available on the website. We do not advise displaying the logo on a vehicle or any place where security may be an implication.

Nigel Worboys is already thinking hard about the next stages of the campaign: "There are some exciting and innovative plans, including a new Government-approved Antiques are Green carbon offset scheme to reduce your carbon footprint that will be accessible to the whole trade, an Antiques are Green renewable energy contract, and a host of other initiatives.

If you become part of Antiques are Green, you will be kept up to date with progress. If you need more logos please let us know."

Telephone Nigel Worboys on 01494 673277 or email info@antiquesaregreen.org

By Mark Bridge