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Tony Nowaosad, who trades under the name Tudor Antiques out of Bruges in Belgium, told ATG that he was well known across UK auction rooms as a bona fide dealer. “I have been dealing for 38 years and attend about 25 auctions a week at the moment,” he said.

Originally from Suffolk, Mr Nowaosad said he used to have two shops in Martlesham and a warehouse in Woodbridge.

He said the problem with the cheque had arisen because he had been buying at several sales and his account had not been replenished as quickly as he had expected to cover all his purchases.

But he added that Durrants had annoyed him by being aggressive and threatening in chasing up payment.

Mr Nowaosad said it was not his habit to bounce cheques, adding that although another had bounced at auctioneers Golding Young since the Durrants sale, when Colin Young drew the matter to his attention he had ensured that the money was paid into the auctioneers’ account within two minutes of the phone call.

“I drive over 130,000 kilometres a year going to sales up and down the country,” he told ATG. “I am very well known and the auctioneers know I am a genuine dealer. It’s been a tough year for me, but I do and will pay my bills.”

When ATG contacted Durrants and told them what Mr Nowaosad had to say, they denied having been rude or aggressive. They also said that despite numerous calls and emails to Mr Nowaosad – all of which they had on record – and him acknowledging receipt of their bank details, three months after the sale the bill remained unpaid.