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The number that have appeared, combined with advice from a specialist dealer, suggest that any of these orders of service should be inspected very carefully.

More than 20 copies of the 19-page booklet, all in seemingly good condition, have appeared for sale in October with estimates varying from £20 to £60.

All auctioneers contacted by ATG say they received the document in the mail from a Nottingham-based vendor, some with a note to the effect that he was present at Churchill's funeral and has had the document in his possession since.

The sheer number of these orders of service on the market in such a short space of time has aroused suspicion (typically only two or three would be seen across a year), and a close analysis suggests they may be electronically scanned or printed items.

While the individual sums of money involved are not great, a vendor selling in quantity could stand to make a substantial profit.