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A man calling himself Anthony Beale entered The Antiques Warehouse in Marlesford, Suffolk on February 2 and used business cheques ascribed to the dealership Passage of Time to purchase a late 19th century bronze and ormolu figural lamp worth around £600.

He was accompanied by a woman whom he referred to as his wife and chatted knowledgeably to the owners of The Antiques Warehouse, John and Lesley Ball, about mutual acquaintances in the trade, both in the regions and in London.
The 22in (56cm) high French lamp was in the form of a woman holding a basket on her head. The ticket price was £575 but Anthony Beale bought it for a trade price at £475.

When John and Lesley Ball carried the lamp to his car, they remarked that the car was full of antiques. Mr Beale replied that his wife was about to attend a fair.

Several days later, Beale’s cheque was returned and they were informed the account was closed. The telephone number he had given was unobtainable and, according to neighbours at the address on the cheques, he had not been seen for several months.

The previous week, Beale had used the same method to obtain a satsuma vase worth £200 from One Step Back in the nearby village of Beccles.

The police are as yet unable to tell us the full extent of his haul. It is thought that Beale is the same man who was prosecuted for similar offences around five years ago. His father was apparently a silver dealer and it is thought that the cheque book relates to that business.

Information should be passed to PC Mike Upson on 01473 613500.