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AUCTIONEERS owed thousands after falling victim to a serial rogue bidder are waiting to hear from the Official Receiver if he is to be discharged from bankruptcy.

Mark Wilson, aged 42, of Berry Hill Road, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, is listed as owing sums of between a few hundred and several thousand pounds to auctioneers across the Midlands, the North and the South.

ATG understand that some of the debts date back to 2001 or earlier and relate to lots Mr Wilson bid for at auction and then did not pay for. Many items had to be re-offered at later sales.

Nottingham County Court made a bankruptcy order against Mr Wilson on July 27 last year, listing total liabilities of over £20,000.

The court list showed debts of over £7600 owed to Mellors & Kirk of Nottingham, more than £1800 to Golding Young & Co of Grantham and nearly £1700 to Tennants of Leyburn.

Colin Young of Golding Young told ATG that despite promises of payment and court orders against Mr Wilson, he had not received payment. He has registered a formal objection to any discharge from bankruptcy for Mr Wilson.

Mellors & Kirk had managed to obtain an Attachment of Earnings order, entitling them to payment direct from Mr Wilson’s employers. But Mr Wilson, who worked as a clerical officer for Mansfield District Council, was made redundant in April 2004 and so the payments stopped.

It is not known exactly how many other auctioneers have been affected, but at least one saleroom is thought to have taken bids from Mr Wilson under a different name.

Mr Young is hoping that any other auctioneer who thinks they may have lost out under the rogue bidding will come forward.