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Mike and his Japanese wife Hisako trade at No 7 as Mike Weedon Antiques, specialising in Art Deco and Art Nouveau. “I’ve been here for 25 years and I had my best Christmas for 10 years,” said Hisako. “It’s very encouraging and of course Camden Passage is still one of the cheapest and best places to trade. There are at least five silver dealers here who sell to the trade.”

This is very upbeat news for Camden Passage following our report in ATG No 1769, December 16, that closures or rent hikes of up to 70 per cent by landlords Octagon Assets are forcing dealers out. But this only affects a minority of the dealers in the passage and so the impression that Camden Passage is closing down is very far from the truth.

In fact, there are still over 100 dealers trading in Camden Passage, including the large shops, arcades, malls and markets, which make it still a very vibrant and interesting place to visit.