Riverside view of Old Billingsgate, the new home for the photo-london fair. Photo: David Tompson.

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Last November, Reed Exhibitions took over photo-london from its founder and organiser Daniel Newburg. Reed also organise and own Paris Photo, held each autumn in the French capital, and the London fair will now be managed by the Paris Photo team with Daniel Newburg acting as creative director.

With photography fairs on either side of the channel, Reed Exhibitions have decided to differentiate between them rather than duplicate. Paris Photo will continue to offer a broad range of photographs, spanning work from its earliest days right up to contemporary productions. Photo-london, however, will now be devoted exclusively to contemporary photography from 1970 onwards, an acknowledgement of the city's current status as the hot-bed of all things contemporary.

In a bid to move nearer City money and the fashionable East End art scene, the London fair will be moving from its former home at the Royal Academy's Burlington Rooms.

It will now take place from May 31-June 3 in the Thamesside location of Old Billingsgate. This striking 19th century building, formerly housing the city's fish market, was renovated by Richard Rogers in 1988 and can offer 7800 square metres of floorspace to the fair's 60-odd exhibitors.