Manfred Hirzel’s 1929 oil, Portrait of Georg Goedecker, which will be on show at Agnew’s.

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Ms Luxembourg, once a major shareholder in Phillips and business partner of Simon de Pury, will use the Lonely Prophets show to raise the profile of Daniella Luxembourg Art - the private dealership and consultancy she launched in 2004.

The launch exhibition at Agnew's, which runs from October 3 to November 2, will concentrate on artists and works from 1910 up until the Second World War and will feature Kirchner, Ernst, Dix and Grosz among others.

The exhibition of about 40 works will include paintings, works on paper and sculpture, and will include the recently rediscovered Portrait of the actress Karola Neher by Rudolf Schlichter (1890-1955). Neher is an iconic figure of the period. The mistress of Bertolt Brecht, she starred as Polly Peachum in the 1931 film of The Threepenny Opera.

She eventually died of typhoid in a prison camp, aged 41, in 1942, during the Stalinist purges.

For more information, call Daniella Luxembourg Art on 0207 734 1266.
