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“We have no sponsorship funding, being run entirely on a voluntary basis with around 400 members,” he added. “This is the only fair devoted entirely to Shelley and Wileman china wares and pottery, and although it’s a small fair with only around 30 dealers, it always produces top quality pieces and usually a few surprises.

“A number of specialist dealers will be standing at the Shelley Group Fair on October 22, including John Shelley, Susan and David Pickles, Linda and John Barter of Inspirations, and Allan Bellamy of Gazelles Art Deco. Allan will have some highly desirable intarsio pottery and some rare 1930s deco tea ware. We usually have a large range of prices; from odd saucers at a pound or two to several thousand pounds for a rare piece of Walter Slater-designed lustreware.”

The fair is on Sunday October 22 between 2pm and 5pm at the Marriott Courtyard Hotel, Ryton-on-Dunsmore, Coventry. Tel: 01255 852993/0118 9694257/01603 501111 or visit