The victorious Bloomsbury Auction team who retained their title at the annual ATG pub quiz. Top row (from left to right): Justin Phillips, Dido Arthur, Richard Caton. Bottom row: Alexander Hayter, Rupert Powell and Morgan Lythe.

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This year saw 25 teams from different auction houses, dealer associations and fair organisers pack into the Texas Embassy in London on November 30 for another night of strenuous mental and guttural exercise.

The questions were tougher than ever, stretching some of the finest minds in the business towards, and in some cases beyond, breaking point. Those who knew that a "bloat" is the collective noun for the hippo, or that the Rupiah is the currency of Indonesia, or that Spurs were the last non-league team to win the FA cup, were able to rib their rivals and crow to colleagues.

Although Bloomsbury won by five points, their level of consistency was almost matched by Gorringes, who came in just one place below where they finished last year by coming last this time around.

The prize for the best team mascot went to the stuffed Mexican Guy Fawkes from the Guild of Fine Art Scholars, Collectors, and Dealers, and the caption competition was won by the RICS team.