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Sometime during the day on Friday, September 16 or Saturday, September 17, an animalier bronze of a horse and foal by P.J. Mêne was taken from the Pheonix Art Gallery on the High Street in Hartley Wintney.

On Monday, September 19, at the same gallery, a woman attempted to steal another bronze while a member of staff was kept in conversation by a man, thought to be an accomplice. On this occasion the employee heard the sound of metal being moved, confronted the woman and found a bronze in her bag. The woman returned the statue but managed to escape before police arrived. The man also left the scene.

On Saturday, October 1, White Lion Antiques Store of Hartford Bridge, near Hartley Wintney fell victim to a similar theft at around 12:40pm. A man and a woman left the shop with a bag that the shop owner quickly realised contained two miniature tripod tables. The couple drove away in an N registered Daewoo Nexia.

Minutes later they entered Strawberry Fish Galleries on the Hartley Wintney High Street and attempted a further theft although a bronze concealed in a jacket was spotted by the owner. A rosewood clock disappeared from Deva Antiques in the High Street, Hartley Wintney, between October 6 and October 10.

Police describe the couple they want to question as: a white man of slim build, around 6ft tall with short grey hair and a white woman of slim build, around 5ft 4in tall, with straight black shoulder length hair. Readers with any information should contact Sarah Julian at the Hampshire Constabulary on 01256 406477.