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It was set up in 1988 by the Museums & Galleries Commission as a selective database of conservation-restoration practices across the United Kingdom and Ireland. Since 2000 it has been operated by the United Kingdom Institute for Conservation in partnership with Historic Scotland and the National Council for Conservation-Restoration.

The Register holds the details of practices working in a variety of specialisms, all of which have had to meet specified criteria in order to qualify for inclusion. The information on each practice is reviewed every two years to ensure that it continues to meet the criteria. It is also updated in response to information provided voluntarily by the practices in order to remain as up to date as possible.

The website can be used by owners of objects as well as anyone working in the heritage sector. Searches can be made by object type and geographical location for the expertise required.

The site is supported by English Heritage, MLA, Historic Scotland, The Institute of Paper Conservation, The Clothworkers’ Foundation and The Glaziers Trust.

You can register at