Mike Goldmark’s latest 32-page illustrated catalogue offers over 150 prints. Among these is this Raoul Dufy (1877-1953) lithograph in an edition of 300, which costs £400.

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A classic example is Mike Goldmark, who 30 years ago opened a second-hand bookshop in the Rutland town of Uppingham. While the book business still continues, it is the 4000 sq-ft Goldmark Gallery that has become the real breadwinner. Five years ago, when he took the decision to sell art by mail order, he distributed 20,000 flyers in a magazine. This year Mr Goldmark will print over two million flyers and 100,000 brochures.

Another high-profile marketing initiative are his websites dedicated to individual artists.

At the moment there are 22 up and running, including www.grahamsutherland.com and www.johnpiperprints.com, with another 80 planned. And, as if that was not enough, the gallery has produced three films on artists (Rigby Graham, George Large and Robert Dawson), published a number of books - for the launch of Aidan Dun's 100-page epic poem, Vale Royal, Mr Goldmark hired the Albert Hall - and produced numerous art catalogues.

As for the gallery itself, it has a warm ambience and an impressive range of stock, making it one of my personal favourite art spaces outside London. And what must surely be unique is the tradition that all the staff lunch together each day, often joined by artists and customers. Mr Goldmark extends a warm welcome to Antiques Trade Gazette readers to share his lunchtime bread and cheese!

Mike Goldmark is an exponent and teacher of Tai Chi, which leaves me wondering if the inner relaxation and physical strength achieved by this Chinese martial art is, in fact, the secret weapon for this most entrepreneurial of art dealers?