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For the past two years, Alasdair Brown has been working closely with Ken Bolan, who owns the noted dealership and interior decorating concern Talisman at The Old Brewery, Wyke, near Gillingham in Dorset.

They were looking for a suitable large space in the capital to open a London branch of Talisman, which would be run by Alasdair.

But despite all their efforts, and one very close brush with success, they were unable to find an appropriate store.

So, sadly, at the end of last year Alasdair Brown decided it was time to leave Dorset and go it alone back in London where he can now be contacted at Suite 150, 405 Kings Road, London SW10, Tel: 020 7736 3464.

Meanwhile, Ken Bolan is still looking for suitable London premises although he is finding it very difficult – he emphasised last week that he is after a store and not a shop.

In the meantime he is developing a further 2000sq ft of showroom in Dorset and taking over additional storage space.
