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A decade ago a 'price guide' valuation for the figures of the champion dairy shorthorn cow Eaton Wildeyes and her calf (scarce models that were produced from 1957-1973) would not have been much more than £350. Fast forward to the July 22 sale conducted by Greenslade Taylor Hunt (15% buyer's premium) and the two figures, pictured top right, both in perfect condition, sold at £1150.

The top price at this sale was, however, provided by a model of two standing cows and their recumbent calves from a more venerable vintage - a brightly painted Staffordshire production from the first half of the 19th century incorporating a bocage behind each animal, a green mound base and a branched central spill holder. With minor damage, the 10in (25cm) wide piece was competed to a surprise £1900.

A collection of 19th century horse brasses attracted particular attention in Taunton on August 12. It is an area with a limited number of adherents today, but this collectors' sale included several commemorative rarities including two 1902 coronation brasses sold for £500 and a strap of six royal commemorative brasses knocked down at £560. Sold in the room for £380 was an early Valentine delicately cut out and painted with lovebirds, couples holding hands and hearts and the date 1798. There was predictable competition for a novelty Huntley & Palmer's biscuit tin, pictured bottom right, in the form of the steam launch Reading. Although missing two minor elements, it sold for £580.