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Mr Bailey knows the venue well as this LAPADA fixture is, of course, a new incarnation of the fair he has been holding at Claridge’s for a decade.

Initially, LAPADA members who have been regulars at Claridge’s were given a chance to rebook. But now the entire membership has been sent fair details and apparently just a handful of stands are left.

When it comes to filling those stands, the organiser hopes some porcelain specialists will get in touch because, although some areas are already over-subscribed, the fine china department is looking decidedly thin. Among those signed up for the fair are period furniture dealers Windsor House Antiques, W.R. Harvey and Stablegate Antiques; picture dealers Haynes Fine Art, Gladwell, Manya Igel and the Willow Gallery; silver expert Nicholas Shaw and decorative glass specialist Christine Bridge.

From the beginning of next month, all Bailey fairs will have a new look. Robert has changed his standfitters, moving from Harrogate-based Dalesgate Exhibitions to Midas Display System from Gwent.
The organiser explained: “There were many new qualities, including colour changes, needed for my future events and these required a large investment.

“Midas have agreed to build all new equipment in cloth so our future 8ft (2.44m) stands will be atlantic green with black facias. The exhibitors should find this a warm and friendly colour.”

The makeover will be unveiled at Robert’s Tatton Park fair in Cheshire on March 4.