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I can reveal that Zygo is Hungerford dealer Jan Hicks who has exhibited at many fairs and thought she would have a go at putting one together herself.

She has got off to a good start and, after contacting the Duke of Norfolk, has secured his famous Arundel Castle in West Sussex as the venue for an event which will run from May 16 to 18, with a trade preview on May 15.

The idea is to assemble around 100 dealers in a marquee on the lower lawns beneath the castle’s west wing. Stands will radiate from a central garden feature and the general look will be an important factor.

This reflects the style of the new fair, which is envisaged as an eclectic affair bringing together antiques and striking contemporary art and design. It is definitely aimed at the burgeoning decorator market as well as the collectors. The fair has already received support from the trade and is one-third full. Those who have signed up include Cavendish Fine Arts, Wakelin & Linfield, Jackdawes, Karel Weijand and Lennox Cato.

London caterer William Norris will provide the food. The event has also engendered international interest. The QE2 sails from New York on May 10 arriving in Southampton on the 17th and Cunard have arranged to convey passengers to the new fair, which seems a very good move indeed.

This is a fair with real potential so expect a lot more detail nearer the time.