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Some 60 dealers from all over the country will stand at the event which, more than most others, withstood the recent tide of bad business. Not surprisingly, there will be a good representation of local dealers
at what is arguably the top fair in
the North-west. These include Baron Fine Art from Chester itself, English Antiques from Wilmslow with decorative items and Church Street Antiques from Altrincham.

Joining the fair, which Mrs Penman founded in 1988, is one of London’s top silver dealers J.H. Bourdon-Smith, along with InVogue Antiques from Berkshire with ceramics and small furniture, Simply Antiques from Gloucestershire with small collectables, and Aberystwyth maps and prints specialist Beryan Williams.

Noting the dates of the fair, the Valentine’s Day connection will be milked for all it is worth with Victorian and Edwardian Valentines on sale from £25 to £50; a Valentine’s Eve cocktail party will be held at the fair on the evening of February 13.
Ten vetting committees will be on duty and most stock will pre-date 1920. Admission is £4.