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Over the weekend of August 8 to 10 at their premises at the Scottish Antique and Arts Centre, Doune, Stirling, Fiona MacSporran and Gordon Foster, partners in the firm, display a private collection of the work of the renowned Scottish craftsman Alexander Ritchie (1856-1941) and his wife Euphemia.

The wide-ranging collection of over 100 works encompasses fine silver, jewellery, enamel, brass, woodcarving and bookbinding. This is the largest public showing of Ritchie’s work for some years and coincides with the publication of ‘Iona Celtic Art’, written by E. Mairi MacArthur and published by the New Iona Press. The author will be present at an evening preview on August 7 to sign copies of her book and give a short introductory talk.

At the turn of the last century the Ritchies established a silversmithing workshop on the island of Iona where they produced a large, good quality output ranging from small souvenirs to significant works of art.

Both Alexander and Euphemia Ritchie were inspired by Celtic symbolism and a growing band of enthusiasts are currently rediscovering and buying the work of Alexander Ritchie, who worked on Iona for over 40 years, right up to his death.

This is not a selling exhibition but Gordon and Fiona assure me that alongside the pieces in the Ritchie show they will make sure there is plenty of stock in the same vein which is very much for sale.