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The series comprises five fairs, each with around 100 exhibitors, and commences on June 13 with subsequent fixtures in June, August, September and December.

Single-size tabletops are available for as little as £55, and a furniture space can be hired for £100, which is not a great deal of money, so the last thing you might expect is that the fairs will be vetted with a dateline of 1950.

But that is just what AFM’s director Neil Munro promises. “Our objective is to provide a one-day fair for dealers to trade in quality merchandise at reasonable prices,” he says.

This reminded me what a small world the antiques one can be. Mr Munro is now something of a trade veteran and until a few years ago was managing director of DMG Antiques Fairs. From whom did Mr Munro buy the Motorcycle Museum fairs? None other than fellow trade veteran Sue Ede, now owner of Cooper Antiques Fairs and a contemporary of Mr Munro at DMG where she was fairs director.