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The 81/4in (21.5cm) high pot was painted in coloured enamels by Thomas Baxter with a shepherdess holding a garland with two sheep at her side, within a rectangular gilt stiff leaf band flanked by fluted pilasters picked out in yellow and gilt. Interest levels were raised considerably when the pot was offered again on January 28 at the Hungerford rooms of Law Fine Art with the shepherdess catalogued as probably Emma Hamilton” – Nelson’s mistress.

Even the most tenuous connection to Nelson will add tremendous cachet to a piece and here the pot and cover attracted huge interest from Nelson enthusiasts. With an estimate of £3000-5000, the pot was missing the nozzles to the cover and one of the feet had been reattached, but fierce competition saw it bid up to a winning £12,000 (plus 15 per cent buyer’s premium) from a private English collector against the London trade.