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Last week’s warning concerned a mailshot promoting unofficial listings for Caroline Penman’s Chester Antiques and Fine Art Show. This week Haughton International Fairs exhibitors have been targeted. In neither instance have the organisers had anything to do with Fairguide and, as with the NEC who were targeted last year, are keen to stress that dealers at their shows should be aware that the guide has no official sanction or link to their events.

Those who have unwittingly signed order forms, thinking they were just updating free listings details, have been regularly hounded for payment long after, including threats of legal action. The British authorities say they have no powers to stop Fairguide’s activities as they are based in Vienna and are not breaking local laws.

The charges, which can run into thousands of pounds, are made for a basic listing that is included on Fairguide’s Website alongside hundreds of other listings across a wide range of professions and trades.