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Marcel Cosson’s Au Foyer, 21in x 2ft 2in (54 x 65cm), featuring ballerinas and two elderly gents in morning dress made €9000 (£5810) at the same sale; André Lanskoy’s 1963 Vol du Papillon Bleu, 2ft 5in x 3ft (73 x 92cm), was up on hopes at €20,000 (£12,900); and Les Terres Cuites (1964), 2ft 5in x 21in (73 x 54cm), the only one of five works by Louis Toffoli to sell over estimate, made €9500 (£6130). A Vlaminck Rue de Village, 20 x 2ft (50 x 61cm), topped the sale on €64,000 (£41,300).