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Top right: in the original reddish-brown cloth with gilt vignettes to the upper covers, this three vol. first edition of Dickens’
A Child’s History of England was sold at £4800 to a US dealer.

Middle right: a superb copy, in the the original red and brown cloth, of Negro, a famous and now much sought-after anthology of African-American literature edited and published by Nancy Cunard in 1934. One thousand copies were printed, but sales must have been slow initially, as today’s scarcity is put down to the loss of many copies as a result of enemy action – presumably during WWII. This copy went to a collector at £2600.

Bottom right: the distinctive typographic green covers favoured by Maurice Girodias for his Olympia Press books are seen in this 1955 first of J.P. Donleavy’s The Ginger Man, which went to a collector at £1400.