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The most drastic change is the shortening of the duration from 17 to 10 days when it runs from September 20 to 29. This will be a very popular move with exhibitors who increasingly have found
the length of the fair in the subterranean venue at 99 rue de Rivoli an ordeal.

The layout of the fair will be changed, with wider aisles, more spacious stands and an easy-to-follow floor plan. The new layout means the number of exhibitors has been cut from 118 to 104.

The claustrophobic nature of the underground venue has been addressed by the organisers who have employed Jacques Chatelet, a renowned Parisian stage lighting director, to infuse the exhibition space with light.

Dominique Chevalier, president of the Syndicat National des Antiquaires, says: “We are very optimistic about these new changes. They will greatly improve the perception of the Biennale and make each of our exhibitor’s presentations much stronger.”