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True, two pieces of Gillows Victorian Medieval Revival oak failed to sell at the second attempt but a pair of late 19th or early 20th century mahogany bowfronted pedestals in the English neoclassical style provided considerable compensation.

Incorporating wrythen domed knife box tops beneath a single door cupboard, the 4ft 4in high by 1ft 3in wide (1.32m x 43cm), pedestals, one shown right, sold at £6900.

The demand for turn-of-the-century ‘reproductions’ of real quality was further emphasised by a Sheraton-style breakfront secretaire bookcase, 8ft high by 7ft wide (2.44 x 2.13m) stamped Edwards and Roberts and distinguished by a complex decorative scheme which included line inlay and painted scenes of a shepherd and shepherdess in the style of Angelica Kauffman. The bookcase, previously in Moor Park, Hertfordshire more than doubled the top estimate when it sold at £13,000.